We have a gooseberry bush next to the doublewide. I thank Miss Lillian every June for planting it about ten years ago. She also planted a peach tree (that's another story) and many lovely plantings around the place. I don't do them justice (that's also another story). As we have been in transition over to the cottage at the farm, let's just say that the doublewide acreage has gotten a bit lush and jungle-like in the past year––there are even snakes in the grass!

The other day I remembered the gooseberry bush. We've had a busy month and the loss of a dear relative and there has been haying and what-have-you. I saw the green orbs forming in early June and said, "ah yes, gooseberries." Then, a week or so ago I saw them turning a lovely rosé color and vowed to pick them. On the very day I was going to do just that, I got out of the car and what should I find? A chicken in the bush and several more on the ground! They were having a regular old gooseberry feast! No, they were not content with green ones, which are perfectly fine for picking. They knew that they had to be ripe to enjoy them.
I just laughed and let them all have-at-it! After all, there is always another June and more gooseberries for the picking next year. Besides, I'll bet I still have a quart or two in the freezer.
You come back when you're ready!
For more gooseberry fun and lore, read these blog posts at
In the Pantry:
Gooseberries [written on June 29, 2009]
Real Simple Suppers [w/Gooseberry Crumble]
Not only that, chickens fattened on gooseberries will taste delightful...did you whisper that in their ears?